
Friday 1 May 2009

A Big Hello and Craft Stamper Magazine

Hi All
Well Jill has asked me to drop by and introduce myself(payback time i think,for all the ear bashing ive been giving her to do a blog)!!Well my name is Debbie Dolphin and have worked for Jill and Ian for nearly 6 years.I have been crafting for about 9 years now.It all started when i was shopping in Skipton one day and went into this lovely little shop which was an aladdins cave full of craft goodies and rubber stamps and this man(Ian) was stamping an image and sprinkling on this gold powder(embossing powder!) and heating it up and well we all know what happens to it then!I was absolutely gobsmacked and have been hooked ever since.Thankyou Ian(your the one to blame for me having no money now)!!!hee hee
Though seriously,i love my work and Iam very grateful to be part of the team.Plus i get to open up the boxes of all the new goodies and be first to try them out!hee hee.
Anyhow,back to the interesting stuff.When i got home today guess what was in my postbox?This months issue of Craft Stamper.Yay! and Kay has done a lovely article on her Japanese Dragonfly stamps.I actually have this sheet of stamps,so guess what i'll be doing tonight,but if you haven't you can get them HERE

Have a great weekend


  1. Had a quick flick before my in depth read over the bank holiday weekend.....looks a fab project.

  2. They look fabby :0) My copy arrived today too so Im trying to be good and not devour the whole thing in one evening!

  3. Thanks guys. I'm glad you like it. I haven't received my copy so didn't know it was even out yet until Jill told me!!

    Kay x


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