
Tuesday 23 June 2009


Thank you to all who have entered our first blog candy, and to those that also joined as followers, it's very much appreciated!

I have used a random number generator to select the winner, who is....

Jan - (No 29)

Congratulations Jan!!

To claim your prize, please email us at The Stamp Man or phone 01756 797048. We will need your full name and address by midday on Friday 26th June 2009, we can then get your prize in the post for you.

If the prize is unclaimed by then we will need to pick a new winner.

Now it's back over to Kay Carley for the next Blog Candy giveaway, I'm sure Kay will announce it soon so do pop over to her blog.

Thank you again to all that entered this one.

* * * * *

Blog Awards
Thank you so much Lisa for giving me the 2 awards, I wanted to pass them onto others and it has had my mind working overtime to think of who to give them to. I want to give them to everyone as I've been looking at a lot of blogs and they all feature such lovely work.

So, I think everyone who has entered for our blog candy should have the awards for being good bloggers by joining in with blog candy such as this, I know that for some it was the first time they have joined in something like this so please take them, you deserve them! I'm still learning all this blogging stuff myself so I know how you feel.

I have decided to get 6 more randomly generated numbers to pick bloggers for the awards too, just to start passing them around, so here goes...

Pinky (no. 21)
Betty the baglady (23)
Stamps & Paper (68)
Littlebear (45)
Georgina (5)
Sass (40)

Plus YOU!

I like this giving stuff away, I'll definitely be doing it again soon, so do keep popping by.

Thanks again for joining in!



  1. Well done Jan have fun playing with your fab prize.

  2. Congratulations Jan, have fun playing with your fab prize.
    Thanks Jill for offering your two awards, I am thrilled to put them on my Blog.
    Christine xx

  3. Hi WOW!!! I won thank you soooooo much lol.

    I am thrilled to bits and I am really looking forward to a play with my new goodies yippee!!

    (Oops just a bit excited!)

  4. Congratulations Jan!!

    I'll post your prize tomorrow:)

    Jill x

  5. Dear Jill Thanks for the award but I'm not a dedicated blog passer onner!! as the sheer scale of it has weighed me down and I seem to end up with no time for cardmaking. Am enjoying your blog though and it's great to discover what everyone is up to. Love BettyXXX


Your comments are always really appreciated!