
Thursday 4 June 2009

HSNW workshop - the excitement is mounting!

A VERY late post (again) as I've been doing some of that ironing that I didn't do on Tuesday when I went walkabout! Two wash loads done since I got home and just a few bits to iron in the morning. Had to resort to using the dryer to speed things up... Ugh, had enough of that sort of stuff for now! You didn't need to know all that either did you? Sorry!

Thank you to all that have commented, entered the blog candy, followed, and kept up so far! It's appreciated.

The photo tonight is a bit of the table while Debbie, Helen, Ian and I started packing on Wednesday, (notice how we started with the ribbon first and the card cutting came last:)) Thanks for counting the brads and curly clips Debbie, almost as exciting as cutting the card! (You should have seen what Helen and Ian had to do:()

While the washer was whizzing earlier, I wrote some class notes, almost proper ones this time, not just a list of things to do, so I've something to print out to help the other Jill who'll be in the other room, Tracey (who has VERY kindly agreed to help us, ) and hopefully it will also help the club members work through the book. My notes on backs of envelopes, bits of paper etc, are almost nearly in one place.

None of it will help to stop confusion at all with 2 Jills, one in each room, we had 3 Jill's at a workshop the other week, so we just numbered ourselves! We were happy...

Now, have I done well, so that Tracey can have a play too or will I prove totally disorganised and Tracey is back and forth with us 2 Jills finding things we need all day? I really hope she gets to play a bit :) But, she confirmed when we chatted today that she wants to help, so I bet we'll not be able to sit her down easily!

I'm such a worry wort at times, (as if you didn't know by now, or you do know now:() but, I've found where I'm heading to on the map, and as the prep is nearly done, the worries are ebbing away and the excitement is mounting! They are a great stamping group at HSNW, I know we will all have a great day on Saturday. I cannot wait!

I hope I can give those ladies a lovely day, they've given loads of support over the years to many of us smaller retailers and they just deserve it, apart from anything else it is a special year for the group. I'll tell you why next week... and show you what they made too.

Well, after dealing with mail order and other bits that needed doing, I've spent most of the day cutting card and packing, still a few more kits to put together tomorrow and then finish the packing of equipment, till and bits for the 'Shop' afterwards, etc.

I'll post a photo of the front cover of the book tomorrow then if any HSNW ladies happen to pop by they can see a little bit of what they will be making!


Jill x

PS: Oh, I do hope they'll like it - Mrs W W (mrs worry wort)

PPS: Glad I'm not alone LME!, see you on Saturday:)

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