
Tuesday 2 June 2009

Today's waffle!

Many thanks to everyone who has so far left comments for the blog candy, and a warm hello to the new followers, thanks for joining in everyone and good luck!

Day off today, I should have been ironing, but much too hot, so I made up a better day plan (though it was still too hot). Ian and I went for a walk (longer than anticipated) with Hamish, up on the very tops of Haworth Moor, amazing panoramic view! Apart from a coach load of tourists heading towards Bronte waterfalls it was fairly quiet up there which was lovely.

Came back and have now finally finished off the 2 books ready for the HSNW workshop on Saturday. I've made 2 almost identical books as we have to hold the workshop in 2 rooms and so we now have a book for each room. There are 38 people in total, eek! I've tried not to go overboard with it so that it can be finished in a day, but who knows, I've totally lost track of how long it took to make as I've been doing bits here and there!

We are using French Country Starburst Stains and 2 of Kays new stamp sheets. Does anyone else have an inner panic about projects, putting off sticking anything down in case you want to tweak it a bit? Well, once I'd been let loose with the DST, that was it, I made a commitment! It's now a huge relief to have them finished, so no need to worry about them at least!

Now to make up the packs for everyone!! I've tried to be mindful of making things easy for everyone on the day, but I'm sure it will be the normal chaos that comes with large workshops like this. See, we all like to chatter at workshops don't we, so would it be mean to say no chatting 'till you are all colouring in later?? Umm, maybe bad tutor manners:)) I hope I don't have to shhhsh anyone, cos then I'll have the whisperers, lol! Mind you, I think they will be lucky to get a chance to talk with me waffling, like I am now.... But we do need to get those backgrounds dry early... Anyway, I've a mountain of card to cut and brads to count etc, so I think that'll keep me busy during the next couple of days.

I have more cards on the go with the same items, I did finish one of them last night, hopefully Debbie will take a photo of it tomorrow for me. I think the French Country Starburst Stain colours work so well with the Funky Flowers and Frames stamps, I LOVE them, and I'll probably bore you with these cards for a while!

Jill x

Jo, Hamish says hi to you and your woofers, and yes, we will be at the Stamp Magic show at Doncaster later this month, so I hope you will come and say hello (to me that is, not Hamish!)


  1. Hi Jill, love reading all your news and no you're not alone in your "inner panicks", happens to me all the time. Just today I totally rearranged a project which I did weeks ago ready for class next week. And of course now I'm not sure I should have left it as it was anyway.

    Your planned weekend sounds fun, so enjoy and hope all goes well.

    B x


  2. Wow, that sounds like a lot of prep work Jill.

    My friend and I are looking forward to coming up to the workshop on the 27th. I haven't managed to get up to your new unit yet so looking forward to that as well.

    It'll be great to see the new cards you've done too.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Your walk sounds lovely.....I had to laugh at the panic about sticking down bit! Sometimes I wonder that I ever finish a card because of the very same thing! LOL

  4. hi Jill,got my camera at the ready so i dont forget it and charged up!!Made a couple of cards today with the mardi gras set! I'll post them later.
    see you tomrrow


  5. Paddy and I did the HSNW workshop and it was great. The ladies are lovely, and yes, we were strict re timing but everyone understood and we had a fun day. Well prepared kits and table eqpt are definitely key too! Have fun,you'll enjoy it :)

  6. Thank you for your responses.

    I quite often regret sticking things down until I've pondered on a card. I guess it's all part of the fun and challenge of card making.

    Thanks Debbie, (our official photographer!) Umm, could be a little bit of packing to help with tomorrow too:) Looking forward to seeing what you've been making.

    Lesley - The alcohol ink workshop is with Jill Boulton, I will be there playing too if I can. See you soon!

    I'm really excited about the workshop on Saturday, we held one at HSNW before Sarah, the ladies really are lovely and I'll be prepared as best I can but it's somewhere different, I wonder how the tables are laid out, will they like what they are making etc... Just little bits I like to worry about:) You know me, tut!

    Anyway, thank you very much for all your comments.

    Jill x

  7. Looking forward to the workshop I have been so excited I cant sleep. LME

  8. Hi Jill,
    I've just found your blog - it's great but how do you find the time?
    Stop worrying about the venue for Saturday, it'll be fine. It will work for you, as the rooms are much smaller than a big hall, so there's less space for folk to move around, and voices don't get lost.We'll all have a brilliant day with you and I'm really looking forward to making the book. See you Saturday.


Your comments are always really appreciated!