
Monday 24 August 2009

Julie's Open Window Blog Candy

Pop over to Julie's Open Window for a chance to win some great candy, although based in the US, Julie is offering the prize internationally. Julie's blog is fairly new but growing very quickly and she has lots planned for the future, so worth keeping an eye on!


  1. Jill....Thanks so much for celebrating with us! And....thanks for the sympathy on our lost wilderness at home. It is the most frustrating thing not be notified of such a major change, but what can we do.
    I have been on the phone to the local council, emails have been sent and am waiting to hear from the city newspaper.
    Sorry to rant......thanks for staying in touch!

  2. Rant away Julie, I'm right with you! A similiar thing happened about 20 odd years ago to me, myself and the neighbours did at least have warning and were able to make a stand. I believe they still haven't made a start on the development. I moved away so I don't know if the swans and other wildlife we were trying to protect are still there. At the time I contacted a regional newspaper here(Yorkshire Evening Post) and was quoted as questioning Maggie Thatchers green policies(that were current at the time), eeek, I even hired someone to write down every single word the planning guy muttered at a meeting while I questioned him about the plans. As it turned out they couldn't get access via a neighbours property, just a very small piece of land, so it all came to a halt. I would always recommend trying and not just accepting things like this. Sorry, this got me started on something that really bugs me!

    Jill x


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