
Tuesday 15 September 2009

Continuing on from this morning

I haven't been home too long, just enough time for dinner, so as it's getting on and I'm shattered, I'll keep it shortish for tonight.

Debbie, Helen and I have had an absolutely fabulous day!! I will tell you more about it tomorrow and will show you what we made in due course.

I wanted to explain about the Butterfly Beauties card I posted earlier (shown below this post). I ran some bazzil card through the Cuttlebug with Swiss dots for the background.

The image has been embossed with black pigment ink and Kaleidoscope embossing powder, the EP is heat sensitive and changes colour as you heat it, you can just about see it in the photo, it changes more as you continue heating it. I've found the last colour you get is amber, so alway stop there otherwise you will overheat the powder. As the colours change, through green, blue and purple (not necesarily in that order) you are left with a multicoloured glittery effect. This powder works best with dark coloured pigment inks so it doesn't have to be black and is worth trying, dark blue, brown etc.

I didn't add extra bling to this card, but it would look good if you did, a mixture of the glitter and gems is very effective. I'll show another card I did with another powder tomorrow that has lots of added bling!!

Well that's probably all I can say about this card.

Will be back tomorrow, it has been a long but wonderful day, I haven't fully recovered from Harrogate yet so I'm going to flop on the sofa now:)

Thanks again for your comments.

Oh, meant to say that I will announce the winner of the blog candy soonish, definitely by tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your flop on the sofa Jill ... glad you all had a good day ...looking forward to seeing your bling tomorrow :0)


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