
Friday 11 September 2009

Harrogate show

Just a quick post, we're all set up for the show and are ready to go! If you are able to attend the show, please come and introduce yourself, we'd love to meet you!! Tomorrow Debbie and Caroline will be with me and on Sunday, Caroline and Ian, (The Stamp Man).

We have the new stamps of course, plus some really good offers including a limited number of grab bags, (these include Hero Arts stamps sets as well as individual stamps).

Debbie and I have been making cards with the new stamps, and I'll be demonstrating different things over the two days if you want to come and have a look.

I just popped over to Debbie's blog and she is showing 3 of the cards she has made with the Butterfly beauties sheet, they are gorgeous!! If you can't attend the Harrogate show to see them in real life, then do visit Debbie's blog for a look, they are stunning!

Hope to see you there!!



  1. I can't make the show in Harrogate ... which is really really sad because I have seen Debbies fabulous cards and I really really need those butterfly beauties ... s'pose I will have to wait a little bit longer :0)

    Hope you have a fab time!

  2. Can't wait only one more sleep!! lol Looking forward to seeing you again Jill. Lynne x

  3. Thanks Linda and Lynne for your comments.

    It was a VERY busy (and hot) day today, but very enjoyable too! I'm sure you will enjoy the show tomorrow Lynne, it is usually less busy on the Sunday, there is plenty of seating if you need to have a break from it all. There were lots of people outside today making the most of the good weather too. I have no idea what else is going on at the show as I didn't get a chance to wander round but everyone seemed happy.

    The Butterfly Beauty stamp sheet has been the most popular new sheet today Linda, and we don't have many left but thank goodness I did order more to arrive early next week to replenish the stock after the show.

    Hope you can come and say hello tomorrow Lynne:)



Your comments are always really appreciated!