
Sunday 13 September 2009

Home again from the Harrogate show

We packed up the stand and got home in record time, and we are now enjoying a slump on the sofas! It was a lovely day again today too, meeting lots of people, and having lots more hugs!! Especially nice was the unexpected visit from Jo, and also Batty Barbara visiting from France:)

Thanks for visiting us and for your custom and support over the weekend, it was much appreciated. I hope everyone enjoys using their new purchases. Sorry to those that missed out on the Butterfly Beauties that sold out, we'll get the orders out as soon as more stock arrives. It wasn't as busy or hot today so a much easier day apart from packing up the stand, which was the usual crazy frenzy!!

Have you entered to win the blog candy yet? One more day to do it, go on do it NOW, if you haven't...I'll give you a final nag tomorrow and that's your last chance!!

Thanks for your lovely comments, they too are appreciated and were a nice welcome home.

A shattered but happy me:)

PS: A question for you, does anyone know what the world record is for eating 3 cream crackers?


  1. I was at the show yesterday Jill but missed you on your stand. Trust me to stop by when you're having a much needed break. Boy was it hot or was it hot?

    By the time I got back to Mansfield I was absolutely pooped and won't be much longer before I'm in bed tonight either.

    Glad it was a good weekend for you.

    Best wishes

    Lesley Xx

  2. It was absolutely wonderful to see you too.. you give the bestest cuddles.

    As far as cream crackers go, it depends on whether you wedge 'em all in at the same time or not.. hehe.

    Scooby can demolish one in about 3 seconds, the girls are much daintier - as for me, I can't eat them so not much help there... my attempt would be about three years or so.. lol.

    Love Jo xx


Your comments are always really appreciated!