
Wednesday 19 May 2010

NEW - Crafting Fun Days at The Stamp Man

As well as our normal workshops held here in Skipton, Janet and Michelle are holding some extra sessions here that we are all very excited about.  There have been a couple of sessions so far that are held in our new workshop area, and the sessions certainly have a buzz about them and everyone seems to be happily playing in these get togethers as there is lots of chatter and laughter as well as crafting.   Here are a few dates for the next sessions

The Stampers Club               11th June      10-30 till 3-30

Exploring Art Journalling     23rd June      10-30 till 12-30pm

Free Time Session                23rd June      1pm till 3-30pm

If you wish to join in please contact Janet for more details.  You will need to book, and places are filling fast, so if you are interested don't hang about too long!!


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