
Thursday 10 June 2010

Exciting News...

Yes, our ATC swaps are coming back!  We have been asked about them a number of times and Janet, our new DT member is going to be running them.

We will be announcing the details shortly but in the meantime if you would like to look at the past swaps then head off now to view the gallery, there are over 900 ATC's to view, by theme, to wet your appetite until the new ones start!

Janet and Michelle were lifesavers yesterday.  Michelle had held a workshop and we were all happily chatting and packing away our things at the end of the day when Helen left the shop to go home.  Well, Helen had the shop keys, believe it or not I don't actually have keys to my own shop, I usually go with Ian or leave there with Helen. 

Anyway, there we were, in my rush to run out of the shop to try and catch Helen who could have walked home any number of ways, I didn't take a phone, money or anything with me.  I couldn't find Helen on the route home and she wasn't there when I got there.  We tried ringing her mobile but no answer, I even searched Marks and Spencers in town!  Anyway, to cut a long story short, after buying a sturdy new padlock, Helen was found and returned to the shop with the keys. Phew!!  So thanks Janet, Michelle (for looking after the shop) and Helen (for coming back!).  All ended safe and OK.  I wonder if I can have my own set of keys now??



  1. Hi Jill, so sorry for being a bad blogger, however I am pleased that your renown ATC Swaps are making a come back. Well done Janet, I know how hard this job is as I run the ATC Swap over on a Forum.
    Wishing you success with them. Will keep looking for you posting when they will begin.
    Love & Hugs
    Christine xxx

  2. Oh Jill.. what are you like! lol. Glad it all ended well, and yes, me thinks you deserved your own set of keys.. lol.

  3. cannot wait for the ATC swaps. I love making them and swapping them. Glad Helen came back with the keys. I had done that before in my old shop since we only had 1 set but all ended well too. Angela

  4. Too funny! Nice to know these things happen to other people too.


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