
Friday 10 September 2010

New challenge starts today, and a sneak peek

Our new challenge theme starts today, the theme is distress, take a look HERE.  It will be great if you could join in with us, you have about 2 weeks to get your entries in!

My entry is a sneak peek at a mini journal that we are featuring in our next Create and Craft live show which will be at 9am on Wednesday 15th September.  I hope you will be able to watch the show or one of the repeats, if not perhaps you can set your recorders as there is a lot of lovely work from our Design Team featured on the show for inspiration, plus I will most definitely be getting messy!!

I'm still working on two journals but if anyone wants a real life sneak peek I'll have them at the Harrogate show this weekend.

I will also be on at noon on the same day with a show for Craft Creations.

Getting back to the Harrogate show, I forgot to tell you the other day when I posted that we will have some bargain unmounted stamps on sale!  There are stamp sheets and individual unmounted stamps, including Christmas designs, so call and see us early to get the best designs before they go!!

If you can't make it to the show, they are on our website too.

Have a great weekend!!



  1. So looking forward to the shows Jill - the mini journal looks like its going to be amazing x Hilda

  2. Gorgalicious mini journal!

    Hugs, Marjo

  3. Didn't get chance to see you at the show (working and full of a cold so feeling sorry for myself) and now reading this I am annoyed with myself. Will have to wait until Wednesday.
    Hope you had a good show.


Your comments are always really appreciated!