
Friday 24 December 2010

The Stamp Man 2010 Awards Event, with a Blog Hop, FaBuLoUs Candy, and lots of FuN!!!!

Happy Christmas everyone!!

Thank you for following our blog and for your support and custom this year, it is truly appreciated. 

To celebrate we are holding another special event.

Starting Friday 31st December

Our next Stamp Man challenge is something ReAiLy SpEcIaL for the end of 2010

You are invited to join us at

Our 2nd Stamp Man annual blog awards event!!!

It's the same FuN and PoPuLaR event that we ran last year, and you don't have to make anything new so you've No ExCuSe FoR NoT JoInInG In:)

What we Do want to see is the best/favourite project YoU feel you made in 2010 entered on our challenge blog.

For this you can grab The Stamp Man Award, but to win the amazing prizes we have lined up for you, you HaVe to join in with AlL the extra fun stuff too!

Please don't be ShY, all the design team here are looking forward to seeing your amazing projects and having you join us for some New Year FuN!

So, start thinking about your favourite card/project of 2010 now, and then present it with us proudly!

Please pass on the news to your blogging friends with this blinkie, the more that join us the merrier it will be!!!

Have a happy and peaceful Christmas!



Your comments are always really appreciated!