
Thursday 17 March 2011

GNPE Harrogate this weekend

We are all geared up for the show this weekend, and hope to see some of you there, if you are there do come and say hello!

As we are at the show the shop will be closed on Saturday, apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.  The shop has been stripped of stock that's already been packed so there's probably not much to see there for the next few days.

If you hadn't planned to attend the show but can make it to Harrogate this weekend you don't have to buy an advance ticket, you can turn up on the day.

As well as our new stamps, that I hope to show you at least a peek of before the weekend, we will also have some new Tim things with us.  Unfortunately we will have a really small stock of some things and others we will have just a teeny weeny stock of, in fact so few of them that I bet they don't even make it onto our stand!  Yes, very frustrating this waiting game isn't it?  Well, at least Tim's new products are trickling through now.

We will also have some of the new Nestabilities with us, plenty of Hero Arts including some of the stamps from the new supplement.

Well, I'd better get on, I hope to be back later with some sneaky peeks:)



  1. Have a fantastic show Jill, just wish Harrogate was nearer.
    Hugs Christine xx

    PS Yes, I am still around LOL

  2. Jill, Looking forward to stopping in at the show. Belle and myself are planning on Sunday as we have signed up for a workshop. Can't wait to see the sneak peeks. Have a great evening. Angela

  3. Nice to have chatted with you all at Harrogate today - looking forward to the next set of stamps for the nesties - will send you a list later as promised.


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