
Monday 12 September 2011

The Old Bags - Sold Out!

Thank you to everyone who visited us at the GNPE show in Harrogate this weekend, it was great to meet up with new and old friends.  Hugs all round are always nice:)   (That's the only reason Ian goes LOL!!)

I cannot remember the last time I came home from a show with clean hands!  I didn't demonstrate inks or stains this time but the Crafty Edger from Woodware, that is such a clever gadget!  I know that all that bought it will enjoy using it and it was great to hear from those that already have it that they love it too after using it for a while.  

We took the original photo that Ian and I had when we dressed up in the Edwardian outfits 20 years ago and it was lovely to reminisce with customers who remember us around the time we had it taken, how wonderful to see that those early customers are still making cards and enjoying their hobby and Ian is still getting the blame for starting them off with it all!!  

As far as their husbands go, it was particularly interesting for Ian to hear from a husband of a long standing customer that he had just attained second place in the world karate championships, he missed becoming world champion by a fraction of a point.  It is great to catch up and hear all the news from customers we have known for so long.

Even Batty Barb flapped in from France accompanied by the lovely Stef and Pam who I haven't seen for a long time.

That's the great thing about shows:)

The Old Bags were a real hit and another lady came back this afternoon and told me that she'd bought one yesterday and after seeing what she had was REALLY pleased with it, I could see that she and her friend were so excited, I think they had a Numbers and Letters Old Bag.  

Ian has told me tonight that a lady looked at a travel kit and said I don't care what else is in the kit, I just want that aeroplane!!!!!  I know she also got a little car, I remember packing that particular kit, I'm sure she will be happy with the rest of the contents too.  See, I told you I became far too attached to all the contents of those kits!

If you have missed my previous posts about them, I should explain that they are Limited Editions, and are all different.   The good news is that there will be more, so watch this space!

It's been a lovely weekend, so just to say thank you everyone for all your support!

Jill and Ian xx


  1. They sound wonderful and I wish I had one or three!!! Glad you had a great show... really miss seeing you here these days!!!

  2. Hi Jill

    I've given the aeroplane a good home and am delighted with all the items in the bag. It was such fun spreading everything out on the desk when I got home to see what treasures I'd got. These bags are such a lovely idea (and the hessian bags themselves are great).

    Best wishes
    Liz B

  3. So glad the show was good Jill, and I'm not surprised your old bags sold out!


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