
Saturday 16 October 2010

Dirty weekend at The Stamp Man!!

We've had a lovely day today, we have an open/demo weekend and these are the hands of someone who came determined to have a play, now who was it...

I was a little afraid when those excited hands flew up, those alien coloured hands were not getting near me or my camera, so as I retreated, I got a good photo of the ceiling!!!

Oops, here she is properly, yes, it's our dear friend Sarah Anderson, (the Art of Moodling), who'd been playing with Starburst Stains.  Look at that smiling face, how happy is that smile!!!!

Oh, she missed a bit!  How did THAT happen?

And here's her apron...  I thought I should explain what it is, no it's not a journal page background waiting to be stamped and written on, it's a piece of artwork in it's own right.  I hope she never washes it!!

(Mucky pup!)

I should have got my camera out earlier in the day, but as usual, I got carried away in the goings on of the day and forgot. I will try and get more photos through the day tomorrow.

I just looked at Sarah's blog and I found she's taken a number of photos, including some whilst playing with the stains, so do pop over for a peek, the page she made for her journal is utterly gorgeous!

Jill Boulton and Vix showed great things in their demos and Michelle and Janet's Make and Take cards were lovely and well replicated by those that joined them at their table.  I sure you will get to see their cards in due course and I also bet their hands weren't much different to Sarah's by the end of the day!!

Thank you Susan, who brought us lovely chocolate cakes and cheese scones, they were yummy:)

And thanks to everyone else that came along today, it was great to see everyone!!

If you'd like to join us tomorrow, the details are on yesterday's post, below.



  1. Those chocolate cakes are to be highly recommended!! And the starburst stains for that matter ;) Thanks so much for a great day Jill :)

  2. I echo everything that Sarah said! My hands are currently in a similar state too. Just been playing with some of the starburst stains I bought today and I was rather alarmed with one of the papers I made by the scrunch method... when I unfolded it, there was a devil in the patterning! Spoooooky! Will be posting up a pic of that on my blog later. Thanks for a great day, hope to tag along again soon xxx

  3. Now those ARE 'Mucky' hands !!!

  4. Wonderful weekend of demo's, tuition, knowledge share and ....... FUN! Always made to feel so welcome, everyone knows their onions, and the kettle is never off!

    Stunning creations, people definitely missed out.

    Thank you all for the 'rehab'! Looking forward to playing with my new toys and creating hands as funky as Sarah's in the process!!

    Forgot to ask.......when's the next one??!

    Susan xx


Your comments are always really appreciated!