
Friday 15 October 2010

Demo/Open weekend, reminder for this weekend!!

Christmas is definitely on our agenda for the weekend!!

We've demonstrations, make and takes and card ideas, we hope you will be able to join us!  

We will be open from 10am - 4pm
on Saturday and Sunday.  

Inspiration, tea, coffee, biscuits and parking are all free of charge!

Jill Boulton will be demonstrating on both days with all things Tim, Hero Arts and Ranger. If you've watched Jill demonstrate before you will know how knowledgeable, experienced and practised she is with all these product ranges! 

Should I mention that Jill probably owns almost ALL of the Hero Arts 2010 Christmas Supplement?  Probably not.  But, her blog does speak volumes, it's so aptly called addicted to stamping, there's nothing there to see, as she's far too busy away from her computer actually stamping and crafting, at home as well as travelling around the country creating and stamping!  Oh, and she has a very demanding full time job that she fits in between all that stamping!

So, at the weekend, if there's anything you want to ask/know, do come along and ask Jill, as she has a wealth of crafting knowledge!!

We have some of Tim's latest products in stock... Christmas stamps and some of his new dies, embossing folders and masks.  We also have plenty of  the Christmas Hero Arts stamps that Jill will be using in stock.   

Now onto Vix, who will be demonstrating an amazing new technique for you on Saturday, it is really easy to do, I couldn't believe how EASY it is, and SO clever!!!  I was very impressed when I watched her do it.  It was a really popular demo at last weekend's Happy Stampers North West show at Port Sunlight.  Vix transfers printed papers and laser printed images/personal photos onto canvas with no special mediums.  It's the printed papers bit that will probably grab most of us that don't have access to a laser printer.  All those fab papers from our favourite companies transfered onto an artistic product, canvas.  Any printed paper will work.  It really is a fab new concept.  Vix had a great canvas covered notebook last weekend, made from printed paper.  If you have a laser printer then you'll be able to transfer your favourite personal photos from your computer onto canvas too.

Vix is fairly new to demonstrating, having demonstrated for the first time for us at May's HSNW show and our last demo day.  But WOW, she sure has gained loads of confidence since then, and at HSNW even demonstrated my Moonglow embossing powder demos when asked to do so on her shift.  Now, I know that was a challenge for her, as she'd told me she hadn't the patience for ultra thick EP projects, well you cracked that too Vix!

Vix really makes me smile as she comes up with brilliant crafting ideas/thoughts, some of them are well outside the box!   I love challenging her with new stuff to try and she amazes me each time she conquers the challenge.  At times we do laugh about how it must be inside her head, we all want a bit of your thinking Vix!

Now to me... I'll be demonstrating what proved to be an equally popular techniques at the show last weekend with Moonglow embossing powders.  I'll be demonstrating them on Saturday when Vix takes a break (as Saturday is mainly Vix's day), and then I'll demo them on Sunday too.  

I'll be demonstrating with other products from the shop on Sunday as well.  I'll also be giving you help trying some of techniques yourself as a technique based make and take as I'm sure you'd love to have a play yourself!

Do you fancy having a go at completing a finished project?  If so, come along and have a play with Janet and Michelle, those very talented ladies, as they will be running the make and takes again.  

I understand that everyone that visited our last demo weekend joined in with the make and takes and learnt loads of other helpful information from Michelle and Janet. Join their make and take for a small fee of £2.50.

No need to book, just call in. If you need help finding us, do ring or find a map HERE

We also have our Sale Room, there's loads of bargains to be grabbed in there, some bargains are more than half price!! We've also topped it up today with loads of stamps, including Christmas stamps and have other offers planned for the weekend.

We hope you can join us!



  1. Hurray!!! I can come :) Coming up with Vix :) :) :)

  2. Oooooooooooooo Jill, how I wish I could be with you all this weekend, it doesn't seem 12 months since I was there. I know everyone will have a fabulous time, look forward to hearing all about it.
    Off to check Hero Arts Stamps on the site.
    Love & Hugs
    Christine xxx

  3. Wish I could make it this weekend *wonder if Vix could squeeze me in her car too* Vix amazes me with everything she does. I'm lucky enough to live quite near to her and get to see some of her works in progress and her finished projects too and she is such an inspiration. Totally in awe! :) xx


Your comments are always really appreciated!