
Friday 8 October 2010

HSNW, Port Sunlight show this weekend

I'm REALLY looking forward to this show, I LOVE it, it's always been a favourite of mine as it's a REAL proper stamp show, and that's exciting!  The group that run it, Happy Stamper's North West are a well established stamping group that have got the whole show thing right, they look after the customers and us exhibitor's so well.

Due to it's popularity, for a number of years it has been ticket only, and I gather tickets have sold out really early this year, so... if anyone finds they can't come to the show now, PLEASE PLEASE email us as there are many people who will snap your un-needed ticket away from you in a heartbeat!!

I've been in heaven for the last couple of days as I've been playing making cards and other stuff for my demonstrations at the show.  I ran out of time to take any photos before I scheduled this post but I will show some of them next week.

I have made 70+ UTEE embellishments with Moonglow EP's for the ATCs that I'm going to give away at the show, yes quite shocking really, I cannot believe I've actually made that many...  although the stamping on the ATCs is very simple.  There maybe more if I get them finished in time as I know that's not going to be near enough for all the visitors at the show.  I will give them out to those that watch while I'm demonstrating the Moonglow embossing powders (until they are all gone), I won't be demonstrating all day though, as Vix is also demonstrating, we will be taking it in turns, so keep calling back to see different things going on.

Vix has been playing with sticky backed canvas and printed images, if you ask her nicely, which I will be, she'll show you how to tranfer your images onto canvas EASILY!  No transfer medium needed and you can even transfer printed papers this way, I'm actually very excited about finding this out for myself!  We will have the canvas sheets on sale individually which is ideal if you want to give the technique a try, and also in the normal packs for those that really want to seriously play with canvas!

Vix also has a pile of ATCs to swap/give away at the show, but I wouldn't leave it too late before you visit us for these, they went VERY quickly at the last show!

We will have Hero Arts stamps/sets with us and some new sample cards to show using them, and Karen Jackson from HSNW will be using some of the Hero Arts stamps in her demos on the day.

Oh, we've some show specials, but you'll have to be there to buy them though!

If you cannot visit the show but are local enough to visit us, we'll be demoing the same at our open weekend next weekend, 16th/17th October.  Jill Boulton will be demonstating too with all things Tim and Ranger, and Janet and Michelle will be holding Christmas themed make and takes.  Tea and coffee is freely available, as is parking, but bring your own lunch!

I'll post more about the happenings of the demo weekend soon, but for now, save the date!

Have a great weekend



  1. I will be there with my fellow blogger Sarah ! we are so looking forward to it
    Lisa ;)

  2. Sounds like a fabulous day - what a pity I can't make it - 26 hours flight is a bit much!!!!


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